DPA Bonding Camp. 2-4/2/10.
LRY juz added me on msn with another account. suddenly had Chongfu's school song playing in my head. dunno whether i should miss it, or go 'urhg'.shall not bitch about it, especially about most people, cuz i'd be lowering myself a few notches, and also cuz my arms are getting even more sore with each letter i'm typing.
they are like, extremely-rare grade cooked.
anyway, here's a brief overview of the camp.
first, i arrived late.
then everyone stared at me. i spotted WC and was like, 'eh?'.
sat with 4girls. barely any convo.
take-off time.
Christine helped me shove people's luggages further into the bus's undertrunk, cuz some asswipes are juz too inconsiderate to chug their bags further in, so no one can fit theirs.
me: "thanks. who u sitting with on the bus?"C: "uhh.. no one. so i guess.. you lorh." =)m: aite.finds a seat at the back, thanks to a nice guy who let it up to us.m: i have The Mummy; Tomb of the Dragon Emperor in my iPod. wanna watch?c: ya, sure. but after cross into msia then watch.m: k. i also have loadsa MVs in here. [scrolls down]c: eh, HnA?m: ya, it's Himitsu no Arashi, a japanese variety show.c: ARE YOU AN ARASHI FAN?!??!?! x 12and fangirl bonding started. both our ichibans are
yes, the Mawai Eco Camp was the same one i went to many years ago, that's how i know where everything is, and what we're gonna do. however, when i went there, things were a lot different in terms of living conditions. that's called 'upgrading'.
the activities were all stuff i enjoyed, so nothing to complain about, except for 1 thing.
we bloody have to start saving our earth.the UV rays from a few hours of partially exposed arms to sunlight literally started cooking my arms!
those who heard my story about the 2 guys who went climbing in Africa and had to amputate their arms know what i'm talking about.
i like being tan and all, but getting chao-tah is a whole different matter!the trekking up Gunung Arung was awesome, except for the damn slow pace.
eg1. scaling a rock wall for 2m, the guys took 6mins. i swung myself across in 4.something seconds.eg2. getting down a 6m, 50+ degree slope. they took 20mins. i hopped down within 20s.but the beach was damn bloody beautiful.
totally worth wasting 2hours plus to get there. no time to admire larh, but i loved it
.juz chatted with dad. we're gonna go there on our own next time. HOORAH!!i shall show u pics next time.
last day, nothing to say larh, huh.
oh yah, first night, i totally couldn't rest at all. got up to hurl like, more times than i could rationally count, then.ended up throwing up air into a bag for 2 hours. i think it was food poisoning.my home's filtered water saved me from being sent to an emergency ward that night.i'm gonna end this post, cuz my arms are fucking me up.
tell u guys about how i celebrated my bday in the next post. EPIC FAIL, or not.Fieary. 2-4/2/10.